XjenzaManija Summer School
Age group: minimum 8 years to 12 years 11 months by the 2nd of July 2018. Applications for children who are older or younger will not be accepted.
Period: 6 weeks from the 2nd of July to the 10th of August
Interested applicants are to apply as follows:
Monday 28th to Wednesday 30th May – Accepting ONLY applicants from Cottonera namely Senglea, Cospicua and Vittoriosa. Maximum places 40 on a first come first served basis.
Thursday 31st May & Friday 1st June – Accepting applicants from all other remaining localities to fill in vacant places. Maximum places 20 on a first come first served basis.
Parent/guardian to bring their own ID CARD & BIRTH CERTIFICATE of children who will be attending. No applications will be accepted without these documents.
Payment: Participants from Cottonera – €100 (subsidised)
Participants from other localities – €200